2017-02-05 19:30 Projects

The seminar of the psychologyst Julia Morozova

Last weekend Agnum Event held the second seminar of the psychologist Julia Morozova "How to raise a happy child."

We did not expect that the number of people willing to attend our seminar would increase twice in comparison with the first meeting! And this is the maximum number of people. It was physically impossible to invite more people within the framework of such a meeting. It is essential for us that each participant was heard and had the opportunity to speak!

A cozy and spacious room, with hot drinks and a children's playground outside (for those who could not leave children and husbands at home), filled the atmosphere of the seminar with warmth and comfort.

The discussion continued for two and a half hours, but even this time was not enough, although no question was left without attention and everyone could discuss their worries with the speaker. And it means that such seminars are popular and relevant and we will surely plan the next meeting.
And the highlight of our event, as always, was the prize drawing! Four new books on child psychology and the flash card with the most useful information about parenting.

Follow our news, and suggest your ideas for the next workshop!

Visit Š”leverPsychology page, you can always find lots of interesting information there.

See you next time!