2023-07-20 22:05 Projects

Ukrainian art project in Amsterdam

Ukrainian art project in Amsterdam

Within the DobroDiy project, we support displaced Ukrainians in the Netherlands through cultural events. In July we held the first exhibition of Ukrainian art in Amsterdam. It became also the first one for the artist, Olena Grishyna. Olena paints traditional folk Petrykivka decorative paintings, and she named her exhibition "Ukrainian Soul". Special soulfulness was added to the event by two workshops, during which the participants tried to paint Petrykivka paintings using cat-hair brushes, that make this pattern so delicate. The events were attended by Dutch and Ukrainian guests, including representatives of the Embassy of Ukraine. We are thrilled with this combination of cultural diplomacy and art therapy. It is an honor for Agnum to present Ukrainian cultural heritage from the UNESCO list in Amsterdam.

And for displaced Ukrainians from the DobroDiy community, it is also about connecting with their roots, with their Ukrainian soul.