2017-08-14 19:06 News

Chocolate factory in Belgium

Who hasn’t dreamt as a child about visiting the chocolate factory?

Well, we decided to make this dream come true and befriended a Belgian chocolatier. Now we have a unique opportunity: to arrange a meeting with one of the most famous chocolatiers in the world, who worked with Madonna and the legendary Rolling Stones. Of course, it is also possible to visit the chocolate factory, where unique chocolate is made according to special recipes!

As we all know, there are hundreds of chocolate boutiques in Belgium. However, there are two very special ones that are included into the Michelin Guide and are owned by the famous provocateur and chocolatier, Dominique Persoone, creator of the famous Chocolate Line brand. One of them is located in the center of Bruges, the other – in an ancient castle in Antwerp, former residence of Napoleon.

The uniqueness of his chocolate products lies in a combination of what seems to be incongruous at first glance, thus creating unexpected flavors. Chocolate bonbons with spices, olives, onions, sundried tomatoes, bacon, oysters or meat is, without a doubt, a source of challenging experience for all the gourmets and sweet tooth people.

The true popularity, however, Dominique gained after creating Chocolate Shooter for one of The Rolling Stones parties. This invention catapults a mixture of cacao-powder, mint, ginger and raspberry right into your nose, producing a refreshing and invigorating effect.

Real chocolate contains only high-quality cacao butter and cacao beans. That’s why Dominique uses the best varieties of beans grown at The Chocolate Line plantations in Mexico.

There is one more ingredient uniting all the recipes of The Chocolate Line – love, without which not a single chocolate bar will leave Dominique’s kitchen! And there is only one way to check it – see it for yourself, come visit the factory in Bruges and feel Dominique’s love for chocolate!