2017-02-23 19:23 News

The spirit of Amsterdam whisky festival

Single malt, malt, Bourbon, corn... Can you guess what it is? That's right, whisky!
Now imagine that you can taste the most subtle and refined varieties in one of the most beautiful cities on earth – Amsterdam!

On March, 4 the next international whisky festival “The Spirit of Amsterdam” will be held. The action will take place in the city centre, in the old Protestant Church, which in itself is unthinkable! And if you add to this more than 500 types of wonderful malt beverage, great music, snacks and a high social atmosphere – you’ll get an exotic cocktail! Not to try it will be a terrible oversight!
Suppliers of the best brands will present their exclusive drinks and talk about each one of them separately.

The city itself together with the unusual festival, will give you an unforgettable weekend!

You can read more about the festival here: