2017-04-13 19:12 News

Flower parade

Well, folks, the opening of the most famous flower park in Europe is behind us and Amsterdam is in full bloom, the spring festivities are far from over!

Yet another unique annual event is about to take place on April 22. Flower parade Bloemencorso Bollenstreek is around the corner! Thousands of flower bulbs are going to be used for decorating gigantic teapots, cows, boats, horses, carriages and traditional wooden shoes (“klompen”)! Yes, you guessed it! The theme of this year’s parade as well as Keukenhof’s is Dutch design.

The Flower parade’s procession will take off at 9:30 am from Nordwijk, passing by the Keukenhof park in the town of Lisse and finishing in Haarlem. About 20 special platforms or floats and magnificent vehicles with incredibly beautiful flower compositions on their rooftops accompanied by live music, dances and people dressed in traditional Dutch outfits will create an unforgettable show!

To tell you the truth, it is hard for us to say, what is to be considered more of an impressive event, the parade itself or the preparation for it? 

Tens of thousands flower bulbs will be collected from the endless flower fields and delivered to the special pavilions. The best Dutch designers and engineers are working night and day on development and creation of frames for flower compositions. And then, as if by magic, in the shortest time possible it all falls into its place to make the most amazing fairy-tale come true!

A fairy-tale, one would have to see with one’s own eyes!