2018-02-21 18:46 News

This is Holland

A new point of attraction appeared on the tourist map of Amsterdam. This is a city amusement called ‘This is Holland’.
A round shaped building with large letters is located right across the canal, opposite the Central Station in the Noord region, between A’DAM Tower observation deck and EYE Film Museum.

What we see in front of our eyes is the first and so far the only “Flying Cinema” in Europe with a dome screen and motion effect seat simulators.
Let’s sit back and …soar up, flying above the cities and canals. Through the mist and wind blowing into our face we can overview all those challenges the Netherlands had to face throughout the history. Hovering at a bird’s eye view over the flower flat lands, we can feel the breathtaking smell of tulips, and while gliding over the surface of Northern Sea, we can sense an ice-cold breath of the wind and spindrift.

This is Holland is not just a 5D cinema, but the innovation formula of a historical excursion, which just after a month since its opening has become an overnight sensation in the world of Amsterdam virtual entertainment and clearly won’t leave indifferent even the most versed thrill seekers.
Fasten you seatbelts! Agnum promises you a pleasant and unforgettable ride!