2017-02-20 19:23 News

Maastricht carnival

Dear friends, if you still don't know how the Dutch can have fun, you need to go to Maastricht from February,26 to February,28.

Every year a stunningly bright and memorable event takes place there – local carnival! The townspeople begin to prepare for the happening long before the appointed date. Residents of neighboring cities and tourists attend the celebration.

Fairy-tale costumes, fairs, music, dancing and atmosphere of an enchanting holiday is what you see in the carnival! With pubs open until 3 a.m. and the famous Dutch beer with a snack, one is in the thick of things. If you are already thinking about your costume – you are right! Because the beautiful thing about the carnival is being in the middle of it! You'll see – neither a baby in the stroller, nor an old lady will have casual clothes on. And at the end of the three-day holiday, the Dutch will burn a huge doll representing a female merchant (Mooswief).

Off with the everyday life and routine!