2017-05-25 19:10 News

Flag day or Herring festival

Dear friends!

In less than a month we are celebrating First Herring Catch Day!

On June 17th the North Sea coast will be booming with Flag Day or Herring Festival celebrations - one of the most popular and long-awaited events in the Netherlands!
This day is dedicated to the first catch of herring of the year, which by the beginning of summertime reaches its ideal size and fat proportions. A barrel with the finest delicate fish, according to the long-standing tradition, is given to the royal family. The second barrel is put on auction for those who can afford buying this delicacy for an average price of a car.

The rest of no less ideal herring sprinkled with fresh onion can be enjoyed on the Scheveningen coast while you soak up the atmosphere of a real feast. Salty sea wind, vendors in traditional outfits, music, dancing and the national Dutch colour will leave you undoubtedly with the most pleasant of impressions!

And be vigilant, the seagulls at the coast are big fans of the slightly salted fish as well!